

13 Best Roommate Rules

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13 Best Roommate Rules

Living with roommates can be a rewarding experience, but it requires clear communication and mutual respect. Use the 13 best roommate rules to help you navigate shared living spaces successfully.

Be Mindful of Your Music Preferences

Even if you have impeccable music taste, remember that your roommates might not share your enthusiasm for your favorite tunes. Use headphones when listening to music, especially during quiet hours, to respect everyone’s preferences and maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Divide Household Chores Fairly

Assigning household chores fairly can prevent conflicts and ensure a happy home. Discuss and agree on who handles which tasks, and consider rotating chores to keep things balanced. Clear communication about responsibilities is key to avoiding misunderstandings.

Share the Cost of Household Supplies

To prevent one person from bearing the brunt of household expenses, create a system where everyone contributes to a communal fund for shared items like cleaning supplies and toiletries. This ensures the home is always stocked and costs are evenly distributed.

Utilize Apps for Splitting Expenses

If handling cash is inconvenient, use money-sharing apps to divide expenses easily. Apps like Venmo or Splitwise can simplify the process of sharing bills, rent, and other costs, making financial management more straightforward.

Consider a Cleaning Service

If everyone agrees and is comfortable with the expense, hiring a cleaning service can keep your home tidy without the hassle. Discuss the frequency and cost beforehand to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Organize Pet Care Responsibilities

If pets are part of the household, the pet owner should primarily care for their pet. However, establishing a schedule for feeding, walking, or cleaning can help ensure the pet’s well-being and prevent any resentment from other roommates.

Respect Personal Belongings

Avoid using the last of someone else’s food or drink, especially if it’s a favorite item. Being considerate about shared and personal items can prevent unnecessary conflicts and ensure everyone feels respected.

Maintain Shared Spaces

Keep common areas clean and tidy out of respect for your roommates. Even if you’re comfortable with a bit of clutter, your roommates might not be. Respecting shared spaces helps maintain a pleasant living environment for everyone.

Keep Roommates in Mind During Vacations

While on vacation, consider sending postcards to your roommates. It’s a small gesture that shows you appreciate them and helps maintain a positive relationship.

Establish Safety Protocols

Set safety rules early on to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. This might include fire escape plans, emergency contacts, and security measures specific to your living situation.

Host Family Dinners

Organizing “family dinner” nights where everyone participates in cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping can strengthen your bond with your roommates. It’s a fun way to share meals and create a sense of community.

Ensure Everyone Has House Keys

To avoid lockouts, establish a system for forgotten keys. Whether it’s a group text, a hidden spare key, or another solution, make sure everyone knows the plan to prevent inconvenient lockouts.

Manage Dirty Dishes Creatively

Agree on a strategy for handling dirty dishes to keep the kitchen clean. Whether it’s a rotation system or a designated cleanup time, clear rules can prevent passive-aggressive behavior and ensure a tidy kitchen.

Following these 13 best roommate rules will help create a harmonious and enjoyable living environment. Clear communication, respect for shared spaces, and mutual consideration are key to making the most of your coliving experience.

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Breakwater Apartments is not just a place to live, it is an experience! Breakwater is at the center of this newly created active community with a green space corridor connecting the lakefront, marina and Racine’s active downtown. Our amazing apartments overlook the lake, marina and the community corridor.

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